Sunday, August 9, 2009

Downs and Ups

I shall first confess my "downs". Delia Detox (author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Detoxing you Body, part of Adele's Team Nutrition, and current resident of newly created Nutrition Wing) suggests eliminating one food at a time. Day one, I eliminated dairy. Day two, I wandered into my kitchen and noticed peanut butter cookies and decided NOT to give up sugar that day. So I indulged in these amazing cookies in celebration of my giving up wheat. Later in the day, I figured out that those cookies have flour in them, but just now, I realized that the flour in those cookies was enriched, bleached out, pummeled and was miles away from being wheat. Which is just now resulting in a lesson learned.

When I thought I had eaten the wheat I began the spiral downward. Although I so cleverly found a loophole to allow me to consume peanut butter cookies, only a complete idiot would agree with me and think it was really a great idea to eat six large peanut butter cookies on a detox diet. I was hungry, out of the house, and, since I had already blown my non-wheat day, on my way to a quick fast food sandwich. I'm not sure exactly why, or how, but my driver ended up at the grocery store instead. My driver, who often is my grocery store shopper, coaxed me into the large Kroger store and into the natural foods isle. Wow. Who knew about all the organic offerings at the Kroger just two Krogers past our most local Kroger store. Well, in all honestly, my driver/grocery shopper did. I bought a few things, enough to snack on for the rest of the day that were indeed, on the approved detox list. I also added on of the recommended detox supplements. After I got into bed, I realized I had forgotten my evening lemon and water cocktail. I fell asleep, gratefully remembering the adage, "Progress not Perfection".

The lesson learned: The circumstances of the day stayed consistent. I ate flour but not actually wheat. When I thought it was wheat, I emotionally spiraled downward. When I realized the flour had not been wheat for quite some time, I emotionally perked right up. So the lesson learned is that THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR MOOD. Duh, it seems so simple. Someone told me once that when I start the downward spiral to remind myself that it's only a feeling, an image, a thought, or self talk. FITT. A feeling, an image, a thought or self talk, in itself, is not harmful. Simply let them go. Yes, its easier said than done, but as I've said before, I've tried to change the world for eons, it's time for me to change.

My goal today is to prepare food in addition to steel cut oats. I wish Johan would let me hire a cook.

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