Monday, August 10, 2009


Motivation seems to be in short supply with me. Perhaps that has been one of the obstacles that has kept me stuck. I know it sounds so simple, but before I had a race director, I did not think much about motivation. I do not like the way I am living. And as the ultimate race director pointed out, the way I live is my choice. I love new beginnings. I love Mondays, the first of months, the first day of seasons, my birthday, January 1, and words cannot describe my enthusiasm at the start of both the new century and the new millennium. I always start out with enough enthusiasm for 10 people. Then, when actual work is required, I tend to get distracted to a new project. Sometimes I think of the things that need to change and I get overwhelmed.....So many projects, so little time. So, do I work on one at a time? Do I work on 3 at a time? I don't know and usually, when I have to decide something that confuses me, I get very sleepy and feel compelled to take a nap. Which is what I want to do right now. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Regarding Adele and Nutrition: I'm not so good at keeping promises to myself.....which is a whole other story. Did fairly well on detox day 3 yesterday. Except when I ran into one of the friends I've had the longest (I did not say oldest friend) who is just a gift in any one's life, and since I hadn't eaten before I left home, we went to a fast food establishment and had a salad. A salad and dressing that has "stuff" in it. And tea, with caffeine. Then i ate a piece of homemade fudge that was really good. And I forgot my evening lemon juice again, and my supplements. So, for day 4 I have made a list of things to do and take. and it is my intention to check them off as I do them.

I think it may be time to address a couple of my other major 12 issues and hire additional staff. Johan and I will have to decide which ones to tackle first. I really thought training would be easier. Silly me.


  1. "If you worried about falling off your bike, you'd never get on." --lance armstrong
