Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Review and Prepare

Johan and I met last night for our daily review and planning session. I managed to accomplish the major tasks that HAD to be completed yesterday. However, Johan and I identified two obstacles that will impede my progress toward my goal. One, is that I was running late to get to task #1 and I left the house without the paperwork I needed for task # 2. No surprise regarding the consequences, right? An extra trip back to the house, additional stress, and I did not have a chance to accomplish task #3. Solution? not too difficult. As Johan and I reviewed the next day's tasks to accomplish, I found the necessary paperwork. Of course, today is an easy day for which to plan. Nevertheless, Johan assures me that this is a necessary habit for any Tour de France contender. Therefore, I will commit to this habit. Review the upcoming day, and prepare for it. That Johan, what a task master.

The second issue is not as easy to resolve. Yesterday I woke up, but did not want to get out of bed. I wanted to WANT to get up, but I kept falling back asleep and promising myself that I would get up the next time I woke up. I lied to myself. Johan did not have an immediate solution to this issue. Is it related to depression? Probably. Is it a procrastination issue? Maybe. Is there a link between depression and procrastination? Yes.

Not even Johan can resolve this issue in the blink of an eye, or in cycling parlance, the turn of a wheel. If your inner race director needs more time to come up with a solution, that's fine. Resolve the smaller issues first. For me, its review tomorrow's obligations and tasks and gather whatever is necessary to have on hand, thus eliminating a source of stress.

You will be glad to know that the helicopter pad is installed. We hired a 3000 person crew from Extreeme Home Makeovers and they finished it in 22 minutes.

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