Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the truth about nutrition

The first truth is that I don't cook and I don't like to cook. I don't like to do things that are difficult. i want results immediately and easily. I have a short attention span and I really need someone to remind me to do what I promised myself to do or I need to work really hard on developing better habits. Some say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, others say 500 repetitions. My attention span does not last that long. At least not yet.

I believe detox is a good idea. Dr. Sven thinks its a good idea. For someone who is such a novice in the kitchen, detox is limited. Yesterday I decided to compact the 5 week program into 8 days. Yesterday was week 2. I made organic eggs with organic tomatoes and pesticide filled onion. Yum. I made one of my supplement drinks that is supposed to be consumed on an empty stomach. I took a bite of my delicious breakfast and then noticed I had not finished my glass of supplements. Then I made rice that I had purchased at the health food store. Long grain, organic, pesticide free brown rice. The I reread the detox manual and it listed SHORT grain rice. Of course it did. Since butter is a dairy product, I added garlic (loaded with pesticides right out a jar, already chopped) and olive oil. Don't try this at home. Then I added stevia, the approved sweetener. I ate it. Again, don't try this at home. For dinner, a wild salmon steak was recommended. I had a tuna steak in a pouch and with rice I was on my way to producing a two substance meal, a big deal for me. I really don't consider spaghetti noodles with butter, a two item dinner. I was pleased, proud, and perhaps even a little smug. Then I realized that the pouch of tuna had sauce made with "stuff" and of course, sugar. Why do I bother.

The second truth is that although I stand on my metaphorical soapbox and rant about nutrition, what I really want to do is to lose weight. And if I am really going to lose weight, I have to have a plan, I have to plan, and I have to follow the plan. I have to keep a food diary. If I want nutrition in my life, I have to introduce myself to my kitchen. The kitchen and I have to become friends. We have to become very good friends. No longer can I toss off the line I stole from someone, "I only have a kitchen because it came with the house".

There is no secret to weight loss. Calories consumed, energy expended. The relationship between the two determines if clothes are looser or tighter. Simple. The hard part of losing weight is overcoming the emotional motivation to eat.

Cycling news: Lance is racing in the Leadville 100 on Saturday. For a metaphorical match, I am spending Friday doing something equally difficult. Details not yet confirmed. Johan (my race director) and I will have to consult on an appropriately metaphorical task to match Lance's efforts on Saturday.


  1. Dr. Sven suggested "poached tuna."
    You heard "pouched tuna."
    It happens.
    don't beat up on yourself! Keep your eye on the finishing line!
