Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stage 2 and drugs of choice

As Mark Cavendish sprinted to the end of the race for first place two days in a row, so did I. Four and a half hours of sorting, tossing, and organizing.

Sorting and being expected to get rid of things is VERY difficult for hoarders. So many items have a story, a connection, a perceived value. Reducing the anxiety enough to let go of things takes time, patience, and determination. Can you imagine how many times I have heard "If you would just clean it up, and then keep it clean". To paraphrase my friend since 7th grade, Becky, If I could have organized it, and kept it straightened it up, I would have done it years ago and saved us all this trouble. Becky was dating two guys, David and Rock, which caused some drama from time to time. One night, David showed up at Becky's when Rock was there. In frustration and exasperation, he said, "Becky, can't you just make a decision and pick one of us?" She looked him straight in the eye, narrowed hers, and retorted, just as exasperated, "David, if I could have decided, I would have decided years ago and saved us all this trouble."

Drug of choice: Everyone I know has a drug of choice. Something to allow us to escape when we get stressed. Most of us do not opt for the illegal stuff, but we do "use" just as desperately as an addict. Our drugs of choice are "free" in terms of cash but can be costly in terms of time. I often use television as my drug of choice. And sleep. As soon as I start thinking about a difficult situation or decision to make, I immediately get sleepy. A two hour nap, and I have so forgotten whatever was causing me stress. However, just like the situation faced by the conventional addict, even after I've watched all the episodes of House or Judging Amy, or awakened from any number of naps, the problems are still there. It's much better to solve them now, rather than procrastinate, but then, "If I could have solved them, I would have solved them years ago and saved all this trouble."

P.S. Becky married Bob, not David or Rock.


  1. I don't know how you manage to come up with these kernels of insight and humor day after day, while simultaneously pursuing a yellow jersey and some ink in Velo. You are very good at it. Sometimes I think the wrong one of us ended up being a non-syndicated columnist.
